Monthly DenverScript Meetup
6:15pm: Intro and Whats going on in JavaScript Land? (20min)
We'll be talking about new/exciting things going on in the industry. If you have something you think we should mention, feel free to tweet us @DenverScript.
6:35 pm: Job Announcements
Anyone with a job opening can come up to the front and announce it to the group.
6:45 pm: Shorter Presentation(8 - 10min):
Decoupling Child from Parent - Phil Lucks
Should a parent component care about when a child component renders, or should the child own itself and tell the parent to MYOB? This topic will cover the pros & cons of coupled components and why you may choose one over the other. Ideally, the audience will participate too so everyone can learn from the experiences of others.
Phil has been working as a Front-End Engineer for over 3 years. If I'm lucky I remember the code I wrote from 1 week ago.
7:00 pm: Longer Presentation(20 - 30min):
Brief Intro to SvelteJS - Courtney Fay
What is Svelte? What makes it different than other frameworks out there? How does it work under the hood? (I'll try to make any JS connections possible) Why is everyone so psyched about it? Is it really the next big thing? How can I get started on my first Svelte project?
Court graduated from General Assembly's web dev program in Dec 2016. She spent 2017 helping make bank websites at IHS Markit, and just started her second dev job at a startup that she thinks has the potential to reduce the cost of healthcare in America.
We'll have beer and pizza! We'll also allow people to announce any job opportunities they may have at that time so you can socialize with potential applicants.
Information about DenverScript
DenverScript is a community of developers focused on JavaScript in downtown Denver. We will be discussing best practices, features coming to ECMAScript, application development, what's going on in the JavaScript community, and more. If you have any interest in upping your JavaScript knowledge, then please come check us out.
DenverScript is a community of developers focused on JavaScript in downtown Denver. We will be discussing best practices, features coming to ECMAScript, application development, what's going on in the JavaScript community, and more. If you have any interest in upping your JavaScript knowledge, then please come check us out.