Organization: Agile/Lean and DDD
Presentation TBD - Presenter TBD
6:30pm - 7pm Food & drink (including alcohol) provided and conversation - a big thanks to Code Talent for sponsoring the catering!
7pm - Announcements
7:05pm - Main presentation - Presenter
~8:30pm - Conversation
About the Presenter...TBD
Information about DDD Denver
This is a group for those interested in learning about and adopting DDD, and includes a number of experienced domain-driven design (DDD) practitioners. Our goal is to encourage building a DDD culture in the mile-high region, within is organizations and their teams, and helping you follow through with successful implementations. Our name says Denver, but we have members attending from along the front range, including Denver, Boulder, and Colorado Springs.
Our group includes those who have practiced the tenets of DDD for decades and who have adopted the more formal patterns and practices established by Eric Evans in his book, Domain-Driven Design--Tackling Complexity in the heart of software. Some of our practitioners regularly teach DDD immersion, present at conferences, mentor and consult, and write on the subject.
Join us for discussions on topics such as realizing business value from DDD, how to build a DDD culture, overcoming barriers to good design, and successfully implementing DDD.
Meets on the second Monday of each month.