SecureSet Accelerator is a new, unique Denver startup accelerator that is completely focused on cybersecurity. The mission of the accelerator is to help startup companies get funded, connected, and noticed in the commercial cybersecurity market.
SecureSet Accelerator is launched by Denver's SecureSet, the nation's first cybersecurity academy, with a partnership from the Broomfield security firm, Webroot, as well as others that are currently unnamed.
Brett Fund (left) and Alex Kreilein, co-founders of SecureSet. Photo by Kathleen LaVine of the Denver Business Journal.
The program is seen as the local security community coming together to jump-start technology aimed at fighting the growing number of cyberattacks and computer breaches.
SecureSet Accelerator will select 8 firms to participate in their four month intensive program. The firms will receive a $40,000 investment, mentorship from experienced professionals in the field, and ready-access to potential customers.
Co-founder, CTO, and managing partner of SecureSet, Alex Kreilein, who will also be mentoring the startups said:
"It's not about making more cybersecurity startups, it's about helping make the promising startups make a difference in cybersecurity."
To make the difference Kreilein discusses, SecureSet is with the firms every step of the way: from product design to development to the release and maintenance process. Additionally, SecureSet Accelerator is brining in mentors that are proven industry veterans, chosen specifically for each operational expertise. The full list of mentors has not yet been released, however those known include:
Bill Crowell, former Deputy Director of the U.S. National Security Agency
Mark Althouse, Technical Director of Mobility at the NSA
Jonathan Trull, former Chief Information Security Officer at Optiv
Rhett Hernandez, chairman of the Army Cyber Institute at West Point
According to Bret Fund, a co-founder and managing partner, and the CFO of SecureSet, cybersecurity startups struggle to find their first clients. Chief Information Security Officers are cautious about using these new, untested products, fearing that failure of the product will not only lead to security breaches, but also a loss of their job.
SecureSet Accelerator recognizes this, and brings in mentors that are looking for products similar to those the startups are building. This way, the startups are more aware of the industry needs, in addition to giving them their first and/or second beta clients.
This is how SecureSet Accelerator aims to provide a path to customers and capital simultaneously.
The accelerator is a new initiative of SecureSet's overall goal to help innovate the next generation of cybersecurity technology and fill the nation's cybersecurity job gap.
Read more about SecureSet Accelerator:
Denver startup accelerator SecureSet forms to launch cybersecurity successes (Denver Business Journal)
To combat cyberattacks, area security firms unite to mentor startups (Denver Post)